This dialer has been tested and found to comply with all applicable UL and FCC stan- dards.. Versatile Alarm System Inputs — let you connect the dialer to many different types of alarm systems. Charles 4.2.5

This dialer has been tested and found to comply with all applicable UL and FCC stan- dards.. Versatile Alarm System Inputs — let you connect the dialer to many different types of alarm systems. e828bfe731 Charles 4.2.5

Radio Shack Personal Emergency Phone Dialer Instructions

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The dialer’s digital chip saves the outgoing message you record Radio Shack Personal Emergency Phone Dialer Instructions Form.. com are registered trademarks used by RadioShack Corporation 2 Contents No Battery Backup Required — you can connect the dialer to your alarm system's auxiliary battery power, so it will work even if main AC power is lost. Ext4_ntfs For Mac

Charles 4.2.5

Radio Shack Personal Emergency Phone Dialer Instructions